Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Crappy literally...A Crappy Week!

**Disclaimer: Read at your own risk.**

So...for the latest funny (or some may say disturbing) story in the Rose household: My dearest, dearest little girl has had quite the week with her bowel movements. Really shouldn't even be called bowel movements. That is way too nice of words for what has been going on with her. More like sewage pools of digested food. This morning was by far the worst. I went into her bedroom when she woke up around 8 and before I even made it to her crib, I was thrown back by a wave of a very, very foul odor. I was hesitant to even look....but duty calls. I walked closer and closer and the smell got more and more potent, looked down and smeared all over her sheet and bumper was a green, mushy substance. And in this substance, was my daughter..all smiles...just rollin' around like nothing was out of the ordinary. Meanwhile, Josh is in bed and is awaken by my words of..."OH MY GOSH...come help!" Needless to say, she was stripped down and held by her armpits all the way to the tub. Nothing that foul should come from such a sweet little girl! Yes...I know...kinda graphic, but I feel as if others should share in our wonderful adventures of parenting. This has been happening 3-5 times a day for the past week, so our house has this overall stinch to it and I am constantly feeling as if I should wash my hands one more time. I did, however, begin to worry. I mean, something has to be wrong with her, right? But I held off on calling the doctor (aren't you proud Amee?) til today (day 7). And to my surprise the doctor was not concerned at all. In fact, she said "Oh...just give it 7-10 more days and if it doesn't clear up then we'll think about bringing her in." 7-10 more days!!! If this goes on for 7-10 more days, we may consider hosing her down outside for her diaper changes. So if you are driving by our house one day and see us holding up Hannah with a water hose to her bottom, you'll know why and you will feel sorry for us!


natenkate04 said...

OH my GOSH!!! I laughed so hard when I read this...oh the joys of parenting! Isn't it wonderful? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lindsey! I'm so excited I found your blog from facebook! What a funny story! I think I'm going to be there soon. I was nursing Addy the other day and all of the sudden runny poop was oozing down my leg. Yuck! So, I'm so excited to keep up with your blog! I have several other friends I follow often. We have our blog on our mac, you can find it at Miss you guys!

Carrie said...

I thought I smelled something... :)