Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Legacy

Josh and I returned this past Monday evening from an unexpected trip home to Arkansas to celebrate the life of his grandfather, Floyd Rose. What I experienced during this time of loss was overwhelming on many levels. I felt as if I had an out of body experience, watching people as they remembered and gathered around to support each other with a deep love felt only by the closest of family. To watch and see first hand the legacy this man left was amazing and humbling. What he left behind was worth more than any amount of monetary inheritance. He passed on to his son and his son passed on to my husband a legacy that will continue for generations to come. He instilled value. He taught respect. He laughed...and made people laugh. He was kind. He was gentle. He was strong. He loved. He served. He apologized. He was a man who loved God and loved showing God to others. He wasn't perfect and didn't try to be. He was a husband, a father, a grandfather, and brother.

We all experienced a deep sense of loss, wishing we could have one more laugh with him...wishing he could tell us one more joke. But even with tears and feelings of loss there was a deep sense of joy. He isn't in pain anymore. He is being made whole. He is experiencing the love of his Creator in a new way.

I can't uplift Pawpaw Floyd without uplifting his precious wife. She stayed by his side until his last breath. She took care of him, loved him, and served him just like she promised over 50 years ago. I can only imagine how she must have felt watching him slowly over the past 2 years get to that point of his final moment on earth. How painful. Yet, she wouldn't have had it any other way. Her strength is inspiring.

I am so grateful to be a part of this family.


Addy said...

What a beautiful tribute, Lindsey! I'm so sorry for your family's loss. What a joy that he is with our Savior today!

Unknown said...

I echo Lorrie. That was a beautiful picture of your hearts journey.

Lindsey said...

Thanks to you both.

Connie said...

Linz we were so glad you and Hannah made the trip during this time. We are so glad God gave us YOU! I miss all three of you!!
Momma Connie