Saturday, August 14, 2010

Doctor Visit with 2

To my surprise, she let the sleeve "hug" her arm.

On Thursday we had our first doctor visit with both girls at once. Hannah's 3 year check up and Claire's 2 month. Waiting room was not bad...lots of toys and excitement for Hannah. Claire, as usual, was just along for the ride. Hannah got excited when her name was called for us to come back...then...everything changed. First attempt by the sweet nurse to proceed with the check up was to have Hannah step on the scales. Easy enough, right? Wrong! Hannah replied to each attempt with, "No thanks." (At least she remembered her manners?) Eventually Daddy "strongly coached" her into stepping on to be weighed. Whew, glad that was over. This was followed by Claire being weighed and measured and that part Hannah enjoyed. Next, came the vision reader (as seen above in picture). The task was to have Hannah look at the green light while it scanned her eyes. I'll just sum this attempt up by saying we do not know Hannah's vision. The same sweet nurse said, "That's ok, we'll try again next year."

Phase two of the visit: the doctor comes in. Hannah was semi involved at this point, but responded with the same hesitation and "No thanks" to most of the request. She did let the doctor know that she was three on her birthday and she has a baby sister that she helps with. Claire...again...just along for the ride. She was fed, so she was happy.

Phase three: the SHOTS! Hannah went first. Josh had to hold her down and the nurse (who, by the way, should get paid more for patients like us) took care of business. Needless to say, Hannah was not happy. She cried...a lot. Next, Claire's turn...3 shots and 30 seconds later, she was back asleep with minimal crying. When we got in the van to leave, Hannah told me through her tears that she was mad at mommy and daddy and "somebody shot me."

I think next time, I'll schedule their visits on different days.

P.S. Hannah does have more outfits than this one....I just realized in the last two postings the flower shirt and denim skirt is what she wore. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Girls

Claire at 8 weeks

Enjoying one of many cupcakes for her 3rd birthday!

This is me trying to stay current on the blog with pictures of the girls! Do we really have 2 kids??? P.S. I can't decide on a may change a few more times.